The Denver Community Kollel held its first annual Torah for Tycoons CLE Credit Conference this past Friday, December 6th.
Torah for Tycoons, now in its 16th year, is a monthly Lunch & Learn focused on the ethical challenges encountered in the professional workplace as well as in current events. A professional discusses a dilemma encountered in his line of work, and a Kollel member discusses the Torah’s outlook on the issue.
The CLE Credit Conference was a unique event that offered lawyers 6 CLE (Continuing Legal Education) Credits for attending three classes, 2 credits per class.
Colorado Attorney General Phil Weiser & Rosh Kollel Rabbi Aron Yehuda Schwab presented on Listen Carefully: How to Tell Clients What They Need, Not Want, to Hear; the Honorable Daniel M. Taubman & Kollel Senior Educator Rabbi Mordechai Fleisher presented No Adjudication without Representation: The Challenge of Providing Access to Justice; and Mr. Ted Z. Gelt and Kollel Director of Programming Rabbi Shmuel Halpern presented Avoiding Evasion and Evading Avoidance: The Moral and Legal Boundaries of Not Paying Taxes.
Colorado Attorney General Phil Weiser and Rosh Kollel Rabbi Aron Yehuda Schwab present at the T4T CLE Credit Conference Mr. Ted Z. Gelt and Rabbi Shmuel Halpern The Honorable Daniel M. Taubman and Rabbi Mordechai Fleisher