After a two-year hiatus due to COVID, the Denver Community Kollel’s annual Pre-Shavuos Learn-A-Thon was held at the Kollel West Denver Bais Medrash on Sunday morning May 29, one week before Shavuos. Nearly 100 people participated in the event as an entire masechta was completed communally during the one hour of learning. A pre-Shavuos shiur for women, given by Mrs. Aliza Chernitzky, was held concurrently in the Kollel Education Center. Kollel alumni and Scroll K Kashrus Administrator Rabbi Elchonon Joseph shared words of inspiration about the upcoming holiday of Shavuos, and Rabbi Menachem Siderson, Rabbi of Aish of the Rockies, made the siyum. Following the siyum and dancing, attendants were treated to a delicious dairy buffet lunch.

To view pictures and videos from the event, click here.