Kollel Scholar Rabbi Chaim Gross runs a Night Seder program for middle school boys in at the Southeast Kollel Torah Center/Ohel Yissochor. Every night, Monday through Thursday, Rabbi Gross delivers a 30 minute shiur, followed by 30 minutes of review.

Recently, the group completed the first chapter of Tractate Ta’anis, which they had been learning for about six months. To mark this auspicious milestone, a siyum featuring a full meal catered by community member Mr. Josh Close was held at the Gross home for the boys and their fathers. Words of Torah were shared by Rabbi Yisroel Goldbaum, Principal of Hillel Academy of Denver, Rabbi Yechiel Erlanger, Director of Community Relations & Development at Aish of the Rockies, Rabbi Nesanel Kipper, Program Coordinator for the Kollel, and Rabbi Gross. Spirited dancing followed the meal as the boys celebrated their accomplishments and prepared to continue their journey through Tractate Taanis.