It is exceedingly difficult to absorb and connect with a yom tov, a Jewish holiday, without proper preparation. Indeed, the Talmud states that one ought to begin the mental preparations thirty days prior to a holiday! To that end, the Kollel held a pre-Shavuos Shabbaton in the Southeast community ten days before Shavuos, on Shabbos Parshas Bamidbar, May 23-24. Six West Side Kollel families were hosted by families of the Southeast community, as they joined the three current Kollel families, along with Kollel alumni families, already living there.

“Spending Shabbos on the Southeast was an uplifting experience,” said Kollel Scholar Rabbi Akiva Stern. “The Aish community’s focus on growth is striking and inspiring. Their warm, welcoming attitude would make anyone feel at home!”

The Kollel offered classes and talks throughout Shabbos focused on the theme of Shavuos, helping Southeast residents get the information and inspiration vital to preparing for the upcoming holiday that celebrates the Giving of the Torah to the Jewish nation.

Cindy Sonstein expressed her appreciation for the Kollel’s commitment to Torah and the community. “Beautiful and insightful words of Torah, inspiration and leadership, love and commitment for the Denver Jewish community – that is what the Denver Community Kollel brought to our pre-Shavuos Southeast Shabbaton!”
On the West Side, Rabbi Shachne Sommers delivered a pre-Shavuos shmuz for the community in the West Side Kollel Beis Medrash the Sunday before Shavuos. Over twenty people came to hear Rabbi Sommers’ words of inspiration, as he discussed the connection the Jewish Nation has with the Torah, comparing it, based on numerous sources, to a marriage. “The Torah wasn’t just given to Klal Yisroel as a book of rules,” he said. “The relationship between the Jewish People and the Torah is to unite with the Torah, to become one. That’s what the Giving of the Torah was for Klal Yisroel.”

On that same Sunday night, Senior Educator Rabbi Mordechai Fleisher delivered a class to women in the Southeast community on the subject of machlokes (dispute) in Torah, discussing how dispute in Torah law broadens our view and appreciation of the depth and breadth of Torah. Cindy Sonstein thoroughly enjoyed the class. “Rabbi Fleisher has the amazing ability to give a class that appeals to all levels of learning, and provides deep thought and understanding to every topic he presents,” she said. “The pre-Shavuos class was a perfect example of this! Combined with his extensive knowledge and ability to be a master teacher (not to mention a great sense of humor), we came away enriched and inspired!”

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