An integral part of Judaism is our mesorah, the heritage passed from generation to generation. The Torah that defines the Jewish People must be transmitted from parent to child, eternally preserving our connection with G-d and each other. In fact, there is a mitzvah for a father to teach Torah to his son.
The Denver Community Kollel has long been at the forefront of ensuring the Torah is available to Jews of all ages and backgrounds. Its Fathers and Sons program, which is taking place during this spring and summer at the DAT Minyan on Denver’s East Side, provides the perfect venue for a father to spend quality time with his son, and at the same time forge a link in the eternal chain of our heritage through Torah study.
Rabbi Asher Klein, the rabbi of the DAT Minyan, sees a lot of good generated by the program. “Aside from the obvious benefit of the Torah learning, parents and children have an opportunity to bond, and the children are developing wonderful memories which are associated with Judaism. I am thrilled that my children and so many of the children in the community are attending and benefitting from this wonderful program.”
For many years, Rabbi Yehuda Amsel ran a Fathers and Sons program at EDOS. This spring, Kollel Scholar Rabbi Dovid Schwartzberg undertook to organize and run the program. He has incorporated numerous features into the program, such as great stories and exciting raffle prizes, to ensure there’s something for everyone. His enthusiasm and creativity have made many a happy father and son. “Every week my son asks me if there is Fathers and Sons,” says Joshua Narrowe, who is an Air Force chaplain. “I enjoy the quality time that I can spend with my son learning Torah.”
Fathers and Sons is geared for all Jewish children, regardless of whether they study at a Jewish day school or not. “Anyone can participate and enjoy, regardless of their background in Judaism, Hebrew, or studying Jewish texts,” says Chuck Michaels, whose son, Benjamin, attends DAT. “It’s a fun way to learn, and the rabbis are very knowledgeable and approachable. Anyone who has not yet participated should give it at try.”
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