An estimated 500 people joined the Denver Community Kollel for a Chanukas Habayis Dedication Event for its new Kollel Torah Center on Sunday afternoon, August 15th. The realization of a dream years in the making, the event was aptly referred to as “A Celebration of Torah.”

The impact of the Kollel on Denver Jewry is summed up by Kollel President Rabbi Zev Beren. “When I am judged after 120 years as to whether I used the money Hashem entrusted me with wisely, I am confident that my support of the Denver Community Kollel will be a big eternal zechus (merit) for me and my family,” remarked Rabbi Beren.

The Dedication Event was graced by the presence of Rabbi Malkiel Kotler, Rosh Yeshiva of Beth Medrash Govoha of Lakewood, who delivered a keynote address.

Harav Kotler observed that in a number of places, the verse of “Vihi no’am Hashem Elokeinu aleinu,” “May the pleasantness of Hashem be upon us,” is invoked in connection to the Shechina (Divine Presence) residing among the Jewish People. This reality of connection to Hashem exists today, continued Rabbi Kotler, in the bais medrash (study hall).

“It is the biggest geshmak (enjoyment) in the world,” said Harav Kotler. “Whoever comes into the bais medrash, learns in the bais medrash, is connected with the bais medrash; their families are connected with the bais medrash… it’s an exalted life…

“If a person comes to the Kollel, learns in the Kollel… is connected with the yungerleit (Kollel scholars)… his home becomes part of that bais medrash. We can call it a chanukas habayis, not only of the bais medrash, but of the whole community.”

Mr. Jeff Weiskopf of Monsey, NY, played a leading role in the creation of the Torah Center, also attended the event and addressed the crowd. “I cannot imagine what Denver would look like without these families – men and women totally devoted to a strong and vibrant future,” he said.

Internationally acclaimed singer Eitan Katz provided musical inspiration during the Dedication Event with spirited music to accompany joyous dancing and a beautiful, heartfelt kumzitz.

“It just blew me away,” said Bob Weiss, a member of the building committee and longtime supporter who has been learning with the Kollel for 18 years. “Incredible people – the Kollel leadership, the yungerleit, Rabbi Kotler, Eitan Katz – an incredible building, incredibly diverse group of attendees from all across Denver, an incredible event. It is like having our own slice of BMG right here in Denver, Colorado.”

To view pictures from the event, click here.