The Kollel’s Building Campaign has taken the next step forward, having received almost all of the permits necessary to begin construction. A few remaining minor permits are expected to be granted in the near future.

“With the construction boom in Denver, obtaining permits became a very tedious, drawn-out process,” explains Kollel Dean Rabbi Aron Yehuda Schwab. “We are most grateful to Mr. Larry Mizel for arranging a meeting between myself, Kollel Board member Marc Cooper, and Denver Mayor Michael Hancock’s Chief of Staff to help get things moving.”

Once that meeting took place, things fell into the place, and the permits were issued days later, on Purim.

The next steps are to update the architectural plans to accurately represent some value engineering changes and to put those plans out to bid. The Kollel is in contact with a short list of general contractors who will be bidding on the project.

At the same time, the Kollel is moving to close on a building loan while simultaneously continuing its efforts to raise the remaining funds needed to complete this beautiful Torah Center.