The Kollel held a special Breakfast & Learn program for boys who were off from school on Chanukah on Monday and Tuesday, December 7th and 8th, the first and second days of Chanukah.
The program is part of the Kollel’s ongoing effort to provide structured learning opportunities for boys during times of vacation.
“Yes, the boys are on vacation, and they should certainly enjoy their time off,” says Kollel Senior Educator Rabbi Mordechai Fleisher, who organized the program. “But Torah is never on vacation. And these boys recognize the importance of setting aside time to learn, regardless of the circumstances.”
After a special 8 am shacharis, all attendees were treated to a sumptuous breakfast, and then they all settled down to learn, some boys with friends, others with their fathers. On Monday, the learning was followed by a menorah-building activity, where the boys made their own menorahs.
Over twenty boys participated in the program, and a number of fathers came to learn, as well. “I appreciate the Kollel providing the structure to daven and learn on a day when my son doesn’t have school,” said Rabbi Binyomin Seligman, who came to learn with his son, Chaim Tzvi, a 6th grader at Hillel Academy.
“It’s great to start the day with some organized learning,” said Daniel Schweitzer, a 7th grader at Hillel Academy, “especially during vacation, when it’s easy to spend the time on other things and miss good learning.”