The Denver Community Kollel held its first annual Torah for Tycoons CLE Credit Conference this past Friday, December 6th.

Torah for Tycoons, now in its 16th year, is a monthly Lunch & Learn focused on the ethical challenges encountered in the professional workplace as well as in current events. A professional discusses a dilemma encountered in his line of work, and a Kollel member discusses the Torah’s outlook on the issue.

The CLE Credit Conference was a unique event that offered lawyers 6 CLE (Continuing Legal Education) Credits for attending three classes, 2 credits per class.

Colorado Attorney General Phil Weiser & Rosh Kollel Rabbi Aron Yehuda Schwab presented on Listen Carefully: How to Tell Clients What They Need, Not Want, to Hear; the Honorable Daniel M. Taubman & Kollel Senior Educator Rabbi Mordechai Fleisher presented No Adjudication without Representation: The Challenge of Providing Access to Justice; and Mr. Ted Z. Gelt and Kollel Director of Programming Rabbi Shmuel Halpern presented Avoiding Evasion and Evading Avoidance: The Moral and Legal Boundaries of Not Paying Taxes.