As the Kollel continues to grow in both size and scope of operations and programming throughout the greater Denver area, the Kollel keeps an eye out for new partnership opportunities with individuals, philanthropic institutions and communities.

One such opportunity came recently from Los Angeles. Kollel Director Rabbi Moshe Heyman, a Los Angeles native, still has family living there – his mother and several siblings. Rabbi Heyman visits his old hometown annually for his father Reb Benzion Heyman’s yahrtzeit, which occurs in late winter. This year, he sought to create something in memory of his father.

“My brothers, Daniel Meir and Avi Heyman, organized a shiur (talk) for family and friends in memory of my father,” explains Rabbi Heyman. “The hope was to inspire participants in a real way with a great shiur, and to make the event a benefit for the Kollel as well.”

The event was held at the home of Daniel Meir Heyman and more than 55 people attended.

“There was a great feeling at the shiur,” says Rabbi Heyman. “People responded very positively, both to the content of the shiur as well as the opportunity to partner with the Kollel in its vital work of spreading Torah. I met a lot of great people, connected with them in a real way. It’s a great start to creating a bridge between the Denver Community Kollel and the LA Jewish community.”

Rabbi Heyman speaking in Los Angeles