The Denver Community Kollel held its 21st Anniversary Celebration on Sunday, March 17th, several days before Purim. The Celebration honored Neil and Vicki Olesky for their dedication to the growth of Torah in Denver. More than 275 attendees from across the greater Denver Jewish community to join in the Celebration and to pay tribute to the Oleskys on their well-deserved honor.

The Kollel’s Celebration, a unique event that features fabulous food and décor and a short, impactful program, is anticipated and enjoyed by many in the Denver Jewish community.

“The best thing about the Kollel event is that they keep the program short and the guests well fed!” says Andy Kark.

Upon arrival, attendees signed in and enjoyed refreshments before the start of the program.

The program focused on the theme of the evening, Storied, and featured inspiring stories of Torah in the Denver Jewish community, told through three video productions.

A Story of Dedication told the story of the evening’s honorees, Neil and Vicki Bluma Olesky, and their commitment to Torah and chesed (kindness) in Denver. A Story of Learning was a musical video production that featured the story of the growth Torah learning in the Denver Jewish community. A Story of Partnership told the story of a unique Yissochor-Zevulun partnership. Donny Basch had opened a hedge fund in 2018 and entered into a Yissochor-Zevulun partnership with the Kollel. In December 2018, with the sudden market volatility, things looked bleak. At that point, Donny decided to begin learning at the Kollel, and almost immediately witnessed an unprecedented market rebound that allowed his company to regain its footing.

Following the half-hour program, guests were treated to a delicious and elegant buffet dinner, created by the Kollel Women’s Trademark Catering.

Many attendees expressed their appreciation of the inspiring program and the buffet dinner, including Jerry Kernis

“The program is concise, to the point and stays on-message,” says Jerry. “The décor is fabulous, and the food is delicious. All in all, it’s a great event.”

l. to r., Kollel Associate Scholar Rabbi Akiva Stern and Donny Basch of Breck Capital
l. to r., Kollel Deans Rabbi Shachne Sommers and Rabbi Aron Yehuda Schwab and honorees Neil and Vicki Bluma Olesky
Partial view of the crowd during the program as Kollel Dean Rabbi Sommers speaks