Summer may be a time when things slow down as people relax, but the Denver Community Kollel helped ensure that people had the opportunity to learn and be inspired during down time.

The Kollel held a Scholar-in-Residence Program during the Nine Days, a period of mourning over the destruction of the Temple that culminates with the Ninth of Av fast day. Rabbi Mordechai and Mrs. Craindell Mannes of Chicago came to Denver to teach and inspire the Jewish community in Denver from Friday, July 17th through Wednesday, July 22nd.

Rabbi Mannes is a 10th-grade Rebbe in Yeshivas Telshe-Chicago. Mrs. Mannes, daughter of Rabbi Chaim Dov Keller, Dean of Yeshivas Telshe-Chicago, is the principal of Bais Yaakov High School of Chicago. Both bring decades of experience in educating adults, teens and children.

Rabbi Mannes gave a number of classes and talks to men throughout Denver. He delivered a special Learn 2 Learn class at the Kollel’s Southeast Torah Center, and also led a morning study session for men and older teens.

“It was a privilege and a joy to have met Rabbi Mannes,” said Mike Weiss, a Learn 2 Learn participant. “He has has a great enthusiasm for gemara and love of teaching. His presentation of the topic was witty, clear for those who are not experts in gemara, and was done with humor. It was a real treat, and I hope to have the opportunity to learn with Rabbi Mannes again. Thank you!”

“Rabbi Mannes’ geshmak (delight) in Torah study and his broad knowledge created a real rischa d’Oraisa (fire of Torah) in the Kollel Bais Medrash,” says Kollel Dean Rabbi Aron Yehuda Schwab. “His love of learning and the wisdom he shared left an indelible mark on many here in the community.”

Mrs. Mannes delivered many talks and classes for women throughout Denver on topics ranging from Chinuch (Child-Raising) in Out-of-Town Communities to Defining and Refining Relationships.

“Mrs. Mannes’ words of Torah, illustrated by personal examples, were inspiring and energizing,” said Naami Zuckerman. “It’s clear that she brings decades of wisdom as an experienced Jewish wife, mother, and educator to her lectures. In speaking with other women, I think we all gained tremendously from hearing her. Thank you so much to the Kollel for bringing Mrs. Mannes to the Denver community.”

“I attended the educator’s workshop,” said Aliza Chernitzky. “I really enjoyed Mrs. Mannes’s professional yet warm style. I gained from hearing her experiences and advice. I found brainstorming together with other educators in the community very beneficial. Thank you.”

“I thoroughly enjoyed and gained from Mrs. Mannes’s lectures,” said Avigail Steinharter. “She bubbles over with enthusiasm and positive energy. Her original way of thinking and presenting ideas is so refreshing!”

“Mrs. Mannes is a funny, straight-forward speaker,” said Chaya Major. I loved how she wove divrei Torah (Torah thoughts) into her speeches while applying them to the issues we all are dealing with today.”

Kollel Director Rabbi Moshe Heyman was a driving force behind bringing Rabbi and Mrs. Mannes to Denver. “People were so stirred by them – for some, the experience was life-changing. Their presence here made a big difference in the community. We hope they return again to bring more growth and inspiration to Denver.”

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