Shavuos is the holiday that celebrates the Giving of the Torah to the Jewish People. It is exceedingly difficult to absorb and connect with a yom tov, a Jewish holiday, without proper preparation. Indeed, the Talmud states that one ought to begin the mental preparations thirty days prior to a holiday! To that end, the Kollel held a pre-Shavuos Shabbaton in the Southeast community ten days before Shavuos, on Shabbos Parshas Behar-Bechukosai, May 15-16.  Six West Side Kollel families were hosted by families of the Southeast community, as they joined the four current Kollel families, along with Kollel alumni families, already living there.

“It was fun being able to see so many Kollel families on the Southeast side for Shabbos,” said Leah Schiermeyer. “We enjoyed hosting the Zions family and getting to know them better. They are a lovely family and a wonderful addition to the Denver community.”

 The Kollel offered classes and talks throughout Shabbos focused on the theme of Shavuos, helping Southeast residents get the information and inspiration vital to preparing for the upcoming holiday that celebrates the Giving of the Torah to the Jewish nation.

On the West Side, Rabbi Shachne Sommers delivered a pre-Shavuos talk for the community in the West Side Kollel Beis Medrash the Sunday before Shavuos. Approximately twenty people came to hear Rabbi Sommers’ words of inspiration, as he discussed the idea that a necessary preparation for receiving the Torah is to develop a passion for Torah study.

Shavuos night is a highlight of the year for Jews worldwide, as the sound of Torah learning resounds mightily throughout the night in preparation for the giving of the Torah on Shavuos morning. With chavrusah learning and classes offered at Aish Denver in the Southeast and at Congregation Zera Abraham on the West Side, over 50 people joined in learning with the Kollel.

In addition, the Kollel hosted a special Shavuos-long Avos U’banim (Fathers-and-Sons) program on the West Side. Boys received tickets for time spent studying during the course of the holiday. The tickets offered them a chance to win one of several sefarim.

“It is a pleasure learning with my son at the Kollel’s Avos U’banim program,” says Rabbi Elisha Zeiger. We always enjoy the ruach (spirit) in the Kollel’s Bais Medrash.”

The morning after Shavuos, the Kollel held its Day After Shavuos learning program for boys in three locations; on the West Side, at the Kollel Bais Medrash, on the East Side, at EDOS, and on the Southeast, at Aish Denver. Over fifty boys participated in the program, which ran for 1 ½ hours on Tuesday morning.

“It is such a delight to see so many boys coming together to learn on their day off from school,” says Kollel Senior Educator Rabbi Mordechai Fleisher, who helped organize the program. “Reaching great heights in Torah scholarship and study starts now – and the Kollel is delighted to help these boys along that path.”

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