The Denver Community Kollel held its 17th Anniversary Celebration on Tuesday, March 17th.

The evening focused on the Mesorah of the Jewish people, from Moshe receiving the Torah at Mt. Sinai until the Torah we learn today. The Kollel distributed an exclusive new publication, From Denver to Sinai: Our Mesorah – The Unbroken Chain of Torah Transmission, at the Celebration. The fifty-page book details the different eras of our history and the Torah scholars who were part of the chain of Mesorah. The book was accompanied at the Celebration by an original video presentation illustrating the Mesorah and its transmission through the millennia.

“All of the Kollel scholars have studied under teachers who have, in turn, learned Torah from their teachers – stretching back to Mt. Sinai,” says Kollel Dean Rabbi Shachne Sommers. “And a big part of the Kollel’s mission of bringing Torah to Denver’s Jews, regardless of their background, is linking every Jew to that glorious chain of our Mesorah.”

The Kollel recognized Andy and Rana Kark with the Torah Partner Award. Rabbi Yehuda Amsel, the former Kollel Outreach Director, is a long-time friend of Andy’s. He flew in from Detroit, where he currently resides, to present the award to the Karks.

“Andy’s participation in Kollel programs, going back the very beginning, and his continuous involvement and support, made him and his wife the perfect couple to receive an award at the Kollel’s Celebration,” he said.

Those who attended enjoyed the event from start to finish, from the great food, prepared by the Kollel Women’s Division, to the short but impactful program, to the magnificent and fascinating book they got to take home.

“This was the most enjoyable Kollel event ever!” said Mordechai Schweitzer. “It was beautifully presented, the food was delicious and abundant, and there was a great turnout of people.”

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