Denver Kollel

5080 W. 14th Ave., Denver, CO 80204



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The Denver Community Kollel celebrated the arrival of a new Sefer Torah at its Southeast Kollel Torah Center/Ohel Yissochor on Sunday, January …

On Wednesday, Jan. 8th, the Kollel held its monthly Torah for Tycoons lunch & learn. This month’s class was given by Daniel …

On Wednesday, January 1, the Kollel held its Legal Holiday learning program in four different locations around Denver: At the Kollel Bais …

For the eighteen years, the Kollel Women’s Division hosted the Annual December 25th Jewish Family Extravaganza. A fun-filled day that gives adults and …

On Wednesday, December 25, the Kollel held its Legal Holiday learning program in four different locations around Denver: At the Kollel Bais …

The Denver Community Kollel held its first annual Torah for Tycoons CLE Credit Conference this past Friday, December 6th. Torah for Tycoons, …

Rabbi Ahron Lopiansky shlita, Rosh Yeshiva (Dean) of Yeshiva of Greater Washington, visited Denver for Shabbos Chanukah. The visit was arranged by …

On Wednesday, Nov. 6th, the Kollel held its monthly Torah for Tycoons lunch & learn. This month’s class was given by Rick …

On Wednesday, Sept. 4th, the Kollel held its monthly Torah for Tycoons lunch & learn. This month’s class was given by Jesse …

On Thursday, November 28, the Kollel held its Legal Holiday learning program in five different locations around Denver: At the Kollel Bais …