Every contribution makes a difference.
You make a difference!
Time Left to Donate:
Goal: $613,000
BONUS GOAL: $650,000
635 Donors
Blake & Clarissa Cohen $3000 Team Heyman Hockers
Tomer Palas $300
Anonymous $1080 Team R Aron Yehuda & Esti Schwab
Anonymous $540 Team Moseson
Anonymous $540 Team Melamed (Yitzi)
Sara Etel Rubin $150 Team Finkelstein
Aron Yehuda And Esti Schwab $810 purim sameach
Avi And Nechama Weiskopf $1080 In honor of our aunt and uncle and all the wonderful work they do Team R Aron Yehuda & Esti Schwab
Jaffa $600 Team Heyman Hockers
Hadar Lavi $108 Team Melamed (Yitzi)
The Honorable Phil Weiser $1080 Team R Shachne & Tzippy Sommers
Allison Donner $6000 in honor of our learning Team R Aron Yehuda & Esti Schwab
Judi Katz $36 In Memory of Freda and Saul Goldstein Team Heyman Hockers
Hanah Polotsky $540 To Halperns Team Halpern
Yisroel And Leah Engel $54 Hatzlacha Raba Team Heyman Hockers
Duvie Greisman $1500 Team R Aron Yehuda & Esti Schwab
Robert And Claire Sigal Of San Diego $300 With our love to our dear friends of the Kollel of Denver Team R Shachne & Tzippy Sommers
liat levkovich $54 Visa Team Schwab Family
Avrohom & Sora Teichman $150 In honor of Yossi & Ahuva Ephrati & Family Team Ephrati
Dovid and Dina $300 In honor of R Aron Yehuda and Esti Schwab Team R Aron Yehuda & Esti Schwab
anon $120 Team Mozes
Binyamin Follman $108 Team Heyman Hockers
Yitzi Moller $300 Team Kollel Expansion
Rivky Appelbaum $54 Team Mozes
Anonymous $216 Team R Shachne & Tzippy Sommers
GT $540 Team Heyman Hockers
Aryeh Engelman $54 Lichvod R' Tzvi Aryeh, a rising star in the Denver community Team Finkelstein
Andrew & Stephani Serotta $162 Team R Aron Yehuda & Esti Schwab
250k that is amazing $18 Team Heyman Hockers
Shayna Fishman $150 Team Melamed (Yitzi)
Shayna Fishman $150 Team Gross
Avrohom Yaakov Mehlman $54 Team Wilen
Yose & Dena schron $480 Go Denver Wengers! MUCH HATZLACHA! Team Wenger
Meryl Jacobs $1200 Team Zera Avraham
yosef $75 Team Mozes
Avrohom Feder $162 In hour of Issaic Tichatchi Team Melamed (Yitzi)
Glassman Family Monsey $1425 Refuah Shleima Rivka bas Mazeltov Team Kollel Expansion
Hadassah Mezei $54 Lichvod Raizy Heyman, Rabbi Heyman - Denver is so lucky to have you! Team Heyman Hockers
Joseph Heinemann $300 Team Kollel Expansion
Fired Up Promotions $54 Team Goldenberg
Shmuel Aron Teitelbaum $54 keep shteiging out there. love you guys! Team Pollack
Barbara Snyder $108 Team Ephrati
Anonymous $300 Team Melamed (Yitzi)
Anonymous $300 With gratitude to the Kollel Team R Shachne & Tzippy Sommers
Eliyahu & Blumy $150 Team Pollack
Bubby And Zaidy Monsey $300 Team Kollel Expansion
Larry And Cindy Halpern $3000 Team Heyman Hockers
Gidon and Rivka Japha $540 In Honor of our newest grandson, Shmuel Shalom, born 19 Adar Aleph, 5784 Team R Aron Yehuda & Esti Schwab
Dovid Biron $75
Miguel Mogyoros $1080 Team R Aron Yehuda & Esti Schwab
Israel & Judith Krongold $540 In honor of Shani & Aharon Wilen and their lovely family Team Wilen
Zev Wasserman $258 Team Pollack
Chaim Yehuda And Dassa Neuman $108 In Honor of Rabbi Yaakov Zions, our special brother! Team Zions
Generator Source $300 Team Klein
Eliyahu & Blumy Fayazi $150 Team Mozes
Yisroel and Malka Silverstone $1080 Team Heyman Hockers
Michal And David Merkin $750 Team Melamed (Yitzi)
Rabbi Alfred And Miriam Cohen $540 IN honor of our grandchildren Team Goldenberg
Zvi And Shoshana Gelt $5400 Team R Shachne & Tzippy Sommers
R’ Jeff and Sarita Balaban $75 Team Heyman Hockers
Abe and Devora $150 Team Melamed (Yitzi)
The Askenazi Family $300 Thanks for all the great things you do to promote Torah learning! Team Kipper
Avi Solaimanzadeh $1080 Team Klein
adam freeedman $30 Team Melamed (Yitzi)
Moshe Daniel $1620 Team Gross
Heshy Tomor $303 Team Heyman Hockers
Moshe And Miriam Rothstein $108 Team Ephrati
Daniel And Laura Greer $300 In honor of Tzvi and Rivka Crystal Team Heyman Hockers
N/A $54 Team Heyman Hockers
Hali Gottesman $75
Steve And Ellyn Hutt $324 Yasher Koach to Team Halpern and the entire Kollel community! Team Halpern
Anonymous $300
Dov And Tzipora Portowicz $1080 In honor of our supremely chashuve parents! Team Schwab Family
Miriam Elbaz $15 Team Heyman Hockers
Marc Avner $1080 Team Heyman Hockers
Anonymous Yid $108 Team R Shachne & Tzippy Sommers
Moshe Rivkin $108 In honor of Rabbi Aharon Wilen Team Wilen
. $150 Team Heyman Hockers
Liat Kohanteb $54 Team Ephrati
Liat Kohanteb $54 Team Melamed (Yitzi)
Blimi Friedman $108 Team Heyman Hockers
Binyomin Epstein $54 IHO gan wenger. The best gan in the west side!!! Team Wenger
Nuszen Family $300 Team Heyman Hockers
Kevin and Pam Jinkerson $1080 Thank you Rabbi Heyman for sharing Torah wisdom! Team Heyman Hockers
Anonymous $15 Team Heyman Hockers
Yankel & Aviva Kohn $300 In honor of Rabbi& Rebbetzin heyman for all you do for the Denver community Team Heyman Hockers
Marcus & Chana Devorah Crystal $300 Team Wilen
Marc And Amity Cooper $15000 Amazing Job Team R Aron Yehuda & Esti Schwab
Tsivya Frieder $300 Memory of Baruch ben Moshe, Fruma bat Simche, Dov Ber ben Yehoshua Team R Shachne & Tzippy Sommers
Anonymous $54 Team Melamed (Yitzi)
anon $5400 Team Heyman Hockers
Henry Brandon $540 In honor of Rabbi Shachne and Ari Sommers Team R Shachne & Tzippy Sommers
Ben Cohen $54 iho chezky wenger with much continued hatzlacha in denver Team Wenger
Daniel Krausz $156 In honor of my very generous Chavrusa Rabbi Schachne Sommers Team Moseson
Yisroel And Malky Silverstone $900 Team Heyman Hockers
Chaim Simcha Joseph $30 to my chavrusa yaakov chernithzky who never coms to night seder Team Joseph
Yossi And Rivky Kaplan $54 Team Heyman Hockers
Isaac and Tamar Kravitz $300 IHO my chavrusa Yossi Ephrathi and all of my friends in the kollel! Team Close
Yossi & Shaindel Kermanshahi $108 IHO Moshe Heyman Denvers best rabbi Team Heyman Hockers
Anonymous $300 Lchvod R`Yisreal Kellner Shilta Team Kollel Expansion
Esther Hyman $54 In Honor of the Denver Community
Dovid Pollack $1050 Thank you for all the kollel does for us!! Team Pollack
Yaakov And Chaya Marchuck $150 IHO Awesome Friends Team Wenger
Shmuel Blumenthal $54 had to match you.... Team Mozes
Binyomin Seligman $108 Thank you Rav Sommers! Team R Shachne & Tzippy Sommers
Shalom Zehnwirth $75 IHO the greatest chavrusa and our honorary extended Bancroft Road family Team Wilen
Eli Krausz $300 Team Melamed (Yitzi)
Levi Greenman $60 לזכות החיילים Team R Aron Yehuda & Esti Schwab
Esther Wortrich $105 Team Heyman Hockers
Tzvi Sherman $54 In honor of uncle moishy for all the amazing things you do for Denver! Team Heyman Hockers
Yehuda and Tirtza Amsel $150 We cherish our years spent at DCK and at CZA! Continued Hatzlacha! Team Zera Avraham
Rena Meyer $54 Chaim and Esti, you are my role models in so, so many areas. Hatzlacha! Team Gross
Anonymous $1500 Team Moseson
The Statfelds $300 Missing ya'll from afar! From Team Guava Team Wenger
Tzvi Muntner $225 Keep up the great work. Team Melamed (Yitzi)
Esther Singer $450 In honor of the amazing Schwab Family :) Team R Aron Yehuda & Esti Schwab
Yossi Zicherman $1080 Team R Aron Yehuda & Esti Schwab
The Schnalls $216 We hope to see the impact you are making soon. Call me Team Finkelstein
Hadassa Ross $30 Team Heyman Hockers
Rabbi Shachne And Tzippy Sommers $54 In honor of our Choshuva Yungeleit, current and past, and their Rebbitzens Team R Shachne & Tzippy Sommers
Joshua Krochmal $162 Rabbi and Mrs. Heyman Team Heyman Hockers
Rochelle Sokol $1080 Team R Shachne & Tzippy Sommers
Dovid Meissner $108 Team Wilen
Aliza Rubenstein $54 Team Heyman Hockers
Avraham/Yocheved Goldenberg $540 Dedicated to Avraham/Yocheved Goldenberg. Team Goldenberg
Esti Krupenia $300 In honor of my favorite friend!!!!!!!!!!!!! Team Heyman Hockers
Baruch Mozes $60 Team Mozes
Terry Blanga $15 Team Heyman Hockers
Shmuly Blumenthal $54 earmarked for the Skiing Trip Team Mozes
Avrohom Traube $162 Team Heyman Hockers
Yechiel N. Segal $108 Team Mozes
Sara Amiri $54 Team Heyman Hockers
Lets Go Kollel $15000 Team Heyman Hockers
Rabbi Yitzchok and Reva Wasserman $540 IHO of our grandchildren learning in the Kollel. We are so proud of you! Team Pollack
Rabbi Yitzchok and Reva Wasserman $540 IHO of our grandchildren learning in the Kollel. We are so proud of you! Team Ephrati
Jan Cooper $900 Team R Shachne & Tzippy Sommers
Nechama Yachnes $225 To the most awesomest sis and bro in law!!! Team Mozes
Yehudis Cardash $150 Team Heyman Hockers
Yair & Stacey Bar-Chaim $303 In memory of Ephraim Peretz ben Devorah and Chana Perla bat Brocha Team Heyman Hockers
Yaakov Moshe And Sara Goldenberg $150 IHO of the Roshei Kollel, Reb Moshe Heyman, and Yungerleit Team Goldenberg
Anonymous $216 Team R Shachne & Tzippy Sommers
Russel Wilson $303 Team Heyman Hockers
Shaindy Kleinkaufman $108 Team R Aron Yehuda & Esti Schwab
Mark Miller $54 Team Heyman Hockers
Yaakov & Chaya Moseson $300 IHO our best neighbors and hopefully the only ones Team Finkelstein
Reid Goodman $150 Team Heyman Hockers
Shaya Greiniman $450 Team Heyman Hockers
Carl And Heidi Tessler $3054 Go Team Melamed! Team Melamed (Yitzi)
Devorah Glicksman $90 Team Heyman Hockers
Yitzchok Goldstein $540 Team R Aron Yehuda & Esti Schwab
Dovid Schwartz $108 In honor of the finkelstein mishpacha from your friends in lkwd Team Finkelstein
Avrohom Tzvi Erlanger $150 In honor of the best night Seder rebbi, Rabbi Gross!! Team Gross
Rabbi Yerachmiel Kagan $150 Team Heyman Hockers
Katherine Kaufman $1500 In support of the wonderful work that you do for our community Team Heyman Hockers
Tzvi & Devoiry $300 Team Heyman Hockers
Anonymous $216
Chaim Follman $36 much hatzlocho Team Heyman Hockers
Anonymous $168 Team Heyman Hockers
Rivkah Baxman JF Options $1080 Yasher Koach to the whole Sommers family for all you do for the community Team R Shachne & Tzippy Sommers
Dovid and Ruchy Wolpin $30 Team Heyman Hockers
Tehila Pearl $15 Team Heyman Hockers
Finkelstein family $300 in honor of you and your chashuva pets keep on inspiring us Team Moseson
Chezky & BL Wenger $162 IHO The Denver Community Team Finkelstein
Chaim And Esti Gross $225 In honor of the hanhala of the kollel, with much hakaras hatov! Team Gross
Noemie Lebovits $54 Team Heyman Hockers
Yossi And Ahuva Ephrathi $300 Team Ephrati
Anonymous $4500 Team Close
Moshe Ference $75 In memory of Tzvi Yechezkel Ben Dov Aryeh Team Melamed/Yo
Barbara Sohnen $360 IHO Tzippy Sommers Team R Shachne & Tzippy Sommers
Anonymous $150 Team Heyman Hockers
A Weiss $90 Team Melamed (Yitzi)
Ephraim Diner $225 much hatzlacha in spreading the light Team Wenger
Rabbi Shachne And Tzippy Sommers $54 In honor of Mrs. Mozes. Thank you for your dedication and hard work! Team Mozes
Ephraim Goldstein $162 hatzlocha yitzchak and chana klein Team Klein
Yosef And Bracha Melamed $54 IHO the Denver Community Kollel who took us higher! Continued Hatzlacha Team Melamed/Yo
Illona Weiman $30 Hatzala Team Melamed (Yitzi)
Rabbi Shachne And Tzippy Sommers $54 In honor of the Menahel/CEO and his Rebbitzen Team Heyman Hockers
Anon $15000 Team Heyman Hockers
Rabbi And Mrs Myer J Schwab $3000 Team R Aron Yehuda & Esti Schwab
Rabbi Shachne And Tzippy Sommers $54 In honor of the Rosh Kollel and Rebbitzen Team R Aron Yehuda & Esti Schwab
Amy Friedman $360 In honor of Shira and Yitzi’s commitment to community. Team Melamed (Yitzi)
Rob Schwartz $540 In honor of Rabbi Sommers Team R Shachne & Tzippy Sommers
Aharon And Zahava Pirutinsky $54 In honor of Aharon and Shani Wilen and our nieces and nephews. Team Wilen
Noson Factor $540 Team R Aron Yehuda & Esti Schwab
Victor Shine $150 Team R Aron Yehuda & Esti Schwab
Yitzy and Shira Melamed $1800 IHO the roshei kollel, hanhalas hakollel, and the kollel at large Team Melamed (Yitzi)
Y And Y Lieder $54 Team Heyman Hockers
Yoni and Adi Heyman $1080 In honor of Rabbi Moshe Heyman and Fam! Team Heyman Hockers
Avraham Rosskamm $150 Team Wilen
Eva Weems $4500 Team R Aron Yehuda & Esti Schwab
Alex Amchislavskiy $300 Hashem should protect all the people of Israel Team Heyman Hockers
Yossie and Chana Rosenberg $36 Team R Aron Yehuda & Esti Schwab
Mordechai And Avigael Jaffa $600 Team Heyman Hockers
David Khandadash $303 IN HONOR OF AHARON BERNAL Team Klein
Chava Leah Fleisher $300 IHO amazing neighbors! Team Goldenberg
Uziel And Gila Bodner $108 Team Mozes
Eitan and Gitty Crystal $300 Good Coffee Team R Aron Yehuda & Esti Schwab
Andrea Hyatt $1080 Team R Shachne & Tzippy Sommers
Chava Leah Fleisher $300 Team Gross
Moshe Dovid Rothstein $1500 In honor of REB Shachne and Tzippy Sommers Team R Shachne & Tzippy Sommers
Bob And Rhoda Pitler $1500 Team R Shachne & Tzippy Sommers
Levi And Yocheved Lebovits $1620 With gratitude for the ribui haTorah the DCK brings to our community Team Close
Dovie Katz $108 Team Heyman Hockers
Yoni Ference $108 Team Melamed/Yo
yehudah and chaya $150 IHO SHEVY Team Mozes
Anon $15000 Team Heyman Hockers
Chaim & Chaya Abrams $108 Team Finkelstein
Glenn Zazulia $540 Team Joseph
Zach Eisen $150 Team R Aron Yehuda & Esti Schwab
Yehuda Aminov $153 Team Joseph
Chaim David Bernal $5400 Team Klein
AJ & Beth Rothstein $54 In honor of the entire Sommers Family Team R Shachne & Tzippy Sommers
Yehuda Aminov $153 Team R Aron Yehuda & Esti Schwab
Ilan Flax $150 Team Zera Avraham
Elozor & Chaya Levovitz $216 IN HONOR OF SHIFRA!!!!! (and her tatty) Team Pollack
Mirel Goldstein $108 Team Melamed (Yitzi)
Yisroel $66 Miriam Team Mozes
Eric Uhrmacher $408 Team R Aron Yehuda & Esti Schwab
Pinchas And Malky Katzenstein $300 Hatzlocho Rabba to the Rosh Yeshiva and the Kollel! Team R Aron Yehuda & Esti Schwab
Dov Holczer $18 Team Wilen
LR & R Cohen $303 To Aharon and Shani, keep up the awesome work Team Wilen
Aharon Bernal $540 Team Klein
Yaakov Orloff $450 Team Heyman Hockers
moshe and hudis chill $150 Iho Rabbi and Mrs Schwab Team R Aron Yehuda & Esti Schwab
Steve Radetsky $108
Ari & Minna Majer $1080 Team Heyman Hockers
Heshy Glezerman $54 Team Zions
Tuvia Harbater $108 Team Melamed (Yitzi)
Hannah Sperber $540 In honor of my grandson Ari Aragon
Anonymous $15000 Rabbi Heyman you are the best Team Heyman Hockers
Rabbi and Mrs. Jacobs $162 Team R Shachne & Tzippy Sommers
Tante Ruthy Tomor $540 In honor of my beautiful niece Team Heyman Hockers
Chaim Brull $54 Team Finkelstein
Hadassah & Chaskie Sprung $300 To Heyman Mishpacha for all their Kodosh work for the Denver Community! Team Heyman Hockers
Yoseph & Miriam Florans $108 In honor of Team Wilen Team Wilen
Anonymous $216 Team Heyman Hockers
Shmuel & Sara Halpern $3024 L'refuah Shelema Dovid ben Ilana, & IHO Kollel Hanhala, Yungeleit & Alumni Team Halpern
Scroll K $3000 Team Heyman Hockers
Daniel Kopelman $540 Team Close
Daniel Tzvi Aragon and Co $1500 In appreciation of the great impact the Kollel has made on all of Denver Team Wilen
Aaron Kagan $75 in Honor of Rabbi Aaron Schwab and all his efforts Team R Aron Yehuda & Esti Schwab
Noson And Malky Goldstein $1500 So proud of moshe, yehudis & family Team Heyman Hockers
Ari Tessler and family $540 IHO Yitzi and Shira! Team Melamed (Yitzi)
The Kellner's $300 Thank You for everything you do!!!!! Team Heyman Hockers
H&M Auto Sales $300 In honour of Asher & Nikki Bienenstock Team Schwab Family
Shlomo Yehuda And Tamar Rechnitz $3000 Team R Aron Yehuda & Esti Schwab
Menachem &Tova Zussman $300 Team Zera Avraham
Allegra, Mayer & Dave Reynolds $54 Now more than ever Judaism needs to be shared. Team R Shachne & Tzippy Sommers
Lcm $7500 The Kollel is the best Team Heyman Hockers
Lcm $7500 The Kollel is the best Team R Shachne & Tzippy Sommers
Shabbos on Fire 2024 $216 IHO THE HOLY Team Sternowsky
The Zuckers $108 For the Heymans, Rebbetzin Esti & our favorite Aunt & Uncle in Baltimore! Team Heyman Hockers
Avraham David Gelbfish $225 Team Melamed (Yitzi)
Daniel Moshe Basch $108 Team Sternowsky
Yitzchak And Chaya Kruk $75 In honor of the Melameds Team Melamed/Yo
Bette Cooper $15000 Team R Aron Yehuda & Esti Schwab
Steven And Lisa Berkow $810 Team R Shachne & Tzippy Sommers
Alan Feld $300 Team Kollel Expansion
Gayil Follman $300 Team Heyman Hockers
Marc And Dale Sievers $3000 Team R Shachne & Tzippy Sommers
Yehuda and Ruth Levine $1080 In honor of Rabbi Ahron Yehuda and Esti Schwab
Aahron And Shani Wilen $1080 In Honor of the Roshei Kollel Team Wilen
Anonymous $4200 In honor of all the kollel members Team Heyman Hockers
Anonymous $5400 In honor of all the kollel members Team R Shachne & Tzippy Sommers
Anonymous $5400 In honor of all the kollel members Team R Aron Yehuda & Esti Schwab
Anon $7500 Team Schwab Family
Yissochor And Avigail Steinharter $15000 Team R Aron Yehuda & Esti Schwab
Gil And Molly Horowitz $3000 In Honor of Hal and Jody Crane Team R Aron Yehuda & Esti Schwab
Anonymous $600 Team Moseson
Lchvod Yisroel Kohn $300 Leulay Nishmas Tzvi Aryeh ben Yaakov Menachem Team Kollel Expansion
Anon $450 Team Heyman Hockers
Jason And Kaiya Fox $540 Team Heyman Hockers
Adam Moskowitz $540 V'taher L'beinu! Team Sternowsky
Yehoshua Hoffman $30 In honor of my friend and chavrusa!! Team Wilen
Yaakov And Chaya Bienenstock $300 In honor of out dear Mechutanim! Team Schwab Family
R David Aryev $540 Team Mozes
Ken and Chaya $324 Team R Shachne & Tzippy Sommers
Yossi And Chaya Devora Singer $300 In honor of the best schwab family & most awesome roshkollel and Rebbitzin Team Schwab Family
Mordechai Beren $540 Team R Shachne & Tzippy Sommers
Yitzy and Shani Herskovits $300 IHO Rabbi and Mrs. Sommers for being such exemplary role models Team R Shachne & Tzippy Sommers
anon $15000 Team Heyman Hockers
Larry Kaufman $1080 In Honor of our son Rabbi Yaakov Kaufman, Pittsburgh Kollel Team Zions
Art Harris Foundation $7500 Team Heyman Hockers
Art Harris Foundation $7500 Team R Aron Yehuda & Esti Schwab
Bobby Sommers $1500 Team R Shachne & Tzippy Sommers
Elisheva Akkerman $300 Team Heyman Hockers
Avi Bulow $540 Team Melamed (Yitzi)
Yitzchok Fischman $54 Team Kollel Expansion
Ephraim Landsberg $540 Team Kollel Expansion
Shalom Stein $540 Team Kollel Expansion
Schoss family $300 In honor of Nati & Chana Schoss and kids Team Schwab Family
Anonymous $540 We thank both of you for all your great work Team R Shachne & Tzippy Sommers
Mordechai Schiermeyer $150 Team Wilen
Ezra Ashkenazi $1080 Team Kollel Expansion
Yehoshua Hoffman $30 Team Melamed (Yitzi)
Aryeh And Dorit Fischer $540 Team Heyman Hockers
Daniel and Guisela Peckman $540 Mazal tov and thank you for all of the memories! Team R Shachne & Tzippy Sommers
Yisroel and Elaine Weiman $750 IHO our Dear Children and Grandchildren, near and far. Team Gross
Elliot Singer $3000 Merit of Am Yisrael, Denver Kollel and Conduit Law Team Wilen
Tzvi Alyesh $54 In honor of the Rosh Kollel, Menahel and Yungerleit Team Heyman Hockers
Tzvi Alyesh $54 In honor of the Rosh Kollel, Menahel and Yungerleit Team Melamed (Yitzi)
Tzvi Alyesh $54 In honor of the Rosh Kollel, Menahel and Yungerleit Team Wilen
Tzvi Alyesh $54 In honor of the Rosh Kollel, Menahel and Yungerleit Team Wenger
Shlomo Rothstein $54 Continued Hatzlacha with everything you do! Team R Shachne & Tzippy Sommers
Tzvi Alyesh $54 In honor of the Rosh Kollel, Menahel and Yungerleit Team Schwab Family
Tzvi Alyesh $54 In honor of the Rosh Kollel, Menahel and Yungerleit Team Pollack
Tzvi Alyesh $54 In honor of the Rosh Kollel, Menahel and Yungerleit Team Moseson
Tzvi Alyesh $54 In honor of the Rosh Kollel, Menahel and Yungerleit Team Kollel Expansion
Tzvi Alyesh $54 In honor of the Rosh Kollel, Menahel and Yungerleit Team Klein
Tzvi Alyesh $54 In honor of the Rosh Kollel, Menahel and Yungerleit Team Gross
Tzvi Alyesh $54 In honor of the Rosh Kollel, Menahel and Yungerleit Team Goldenberg
Tzvi Alyesh $54 In honor of the Rosh Kollel, Menahel and Yungerleit Team Finkelstein
Tzvi Alyesh $54 In honor of the Rosh Kollel, Menahel and Yungerleit Team Ephrati
Anonymous $162 Team R Aron Yehuda & Esti Schwab
Chaim And Rivky Sher $63 LCHVOD REB SHACHNE SHLITA Team Halpern
Bracha Goldberg $45 Team Heyman Hockers
Bondenheimer Gift Fund $3000 In Honor of Chezky and Brocha Leah Wenger Team Wenger
Chaim And Rivky Sher $63 LCHVOD REB SHACHNE SHLITA Team Halpern
Wendy & Jay Greenwald $750 Dedicated to Rabbi and Tzippy Sommers, great people and educators. Team R Shachne & Tzippy Sommers
Chaim And Rivky Sher $303 Reb Moshe Shlita - You are an inspiration to us all!! Team Heyman Hockers
Avi And Abby Mehler $3024 Team Heyman Hockers
Miriam $450 In memory of Kellen Team Melamed (Yitzi)
Isaac Sternhell $150 Team Kollel Expansion
Scott and Chaya Sarah Tene $540 Team R Shachne & Tzippy Sommers
Joshua Blackman $1050 Thank you Nosson and Hatzlacha Team Schwab Family
Yonatan & Rikki Menlo & Family $600 Team Heyman Hockers
Akiva & Chani Stern $5400 IHO of the Kollel- for always bringing the entire community ever HIGHER! Team Sternowsky
Aaron Okin $540 Team R Aron Yehuda & Esti Schwab
Mendy Joseph $540 In honor of my wonderful brother, a true inspiration to all ! Team Joseph
Rivka Engelson $18 Team Heyman Hockers
Nochom Gradon $2250 Team Heyman Hockers
Dov Segal $540 Hatzlacha Team Mozes
Joni Troy $3000 Best Wishes Good luck to the kollel Team R Aron Yehuda & Esti Schwab
Binyamin And Malkie Schiermeyer $750 Team Heyman Hockers
Kerry And Mindy Berman $3000 Team Close
Efraim Adler $150 I want to have a zechus in Denver CO Team Kollel Expansion
Marty Perlmutter $300 Team Finkelstein
Shimon Schwab $300 For all that our amazing parents do for us Team R Aron Yehuda & Esti Schwab
shimon schwab $300 sani Team Schwab Family
Anonymous $1080 For a refuah for y.t bas c.m,y.y ben y.e. and a zechus for A.C bas a.b
Mark And Yana Levandovsky $2250 Team Heyman Hockers
Ari & Matty Rosenfeld $204 Continued Hatzlocha! Team Heyman Hockers
Esther Soskel $54 Tiscal L’Mitzvot Team Zions
Asher & Nechama Bienenstock $120 In honor of our wonderful parents and all they do for the klal Team Schwab Family
Eliezer Schwab $309 In honor of the best family Team Schwab Family
Jay and Joyce Moskowitz $15000 In honor of the Kollel Team Heyman Hockers
Raizy Levitin $354 Team R Aron Yehuda & Esti Schwab
Leba Lowy $75 Team Heyman Hockers
Meyer Greisman $3000 Team R Aron Yehuda & Esti Schwab
Heyman Baltimore Family $300 Hatzlacha from the Original Heyman Hockers!!! Team Heyman Hockers
Max Cohen $54 To my amazing chavrusa for all your love and learning Team Finkelstein
Miriam Wilen $30 Team R Aron Yehuda & Esti Schwab
Yitzchok & Dina Steinharter $1500 continued hatzlocho! Team R Aron Yehuda & Esti Schwab
Miri Gertz $180 IHO the ladies section!! Team Heyman Hockers
Sara and Chuck Michaels $360 Team R Shachne & Tzippy Sommers
Raphael Leban $180 IHO all the Chashuve Kolleleit shlit"a
Anonymous $3030 Hatzlacha Rabbah! Team Close
Yechiel And Esti Erlanger $540 Hatzlacha Rabba Team Close
Anonymous $54 Team Schwab Family
Leslie And Ricki Illes $5400 Team R Shachne & Tzippy Sommers
Anon $12000 Team R Aron Yehuda & Esti Schwab
Daniel Kravitz $3600 In Honor of Rabbi Zion & Lipschutz for the special time we learn and the joy of seeing my grandchildren involved with a the joy of seeing my grandchildren involved with a Kollel Team Zions
Myrna Hoenlein $108 Son in law of Malka Goldstein Team Heyman Hockers
Ahron Katz $3000 Team Wilen
Kalman and Perel Rothstein $54 Keep up the great work Team R Shachne & Tzippy Sommers
Daniel Abrams $540 In gratitude to Rabbi Sommers and Rabbi Schwab Team R Shachne & Tzippy Sommers
Josh And Tova Altman $540 Team Heyman Hockers
Avraham and Kini Abrams $1080 IHO Rabbi Heyman - thank you for finding a chavrusa for ...... Team Heyman Hockers
Avi Beren $540 In Honor of the Kollel And R’fua Shleima Rafael Chaim Meir Ben Sima Chasha Team R Aron Yehuda & Esti Schwab
Aaron Schwartz $540 Team Wilen
Sylvia Heyman $750 Iho of my children who emulate their father and grandfather Team Heyman Hockers
Aryeh And Penina Zussman $300 Hatzlacha Rabah! Team R Aron Yehuda & Esti Schwab
The Gootch $150 In honor of the Schwabbys! Team Schwab Family
Avraham and Kini Abrams $1080 IHO Rabbi Fleisher and Rabbi Heyman for all they do for the klal! Team Zera Avraham
Daniel And Shevi Kassai $1080 Team R Aron Yehuda & Esti Schwab
Anon $13500 In honor of learning in the kollel Team Melamed/Yo
Yeshivish Hats $54 Chazak! Team Melamed/Yo
Jack And Emily Rudd $378
Jay Kamlet $3000 Heres to another 25 years Team R Aron Yehuda & Esti Schwab
anonymous $300 Team Heyman Hockers
Sruly Rothstein $300 In honor of Reb Shachne and Rebbiztin Sommers Team R Shachne & Tzippy Sommers
Mr. & Mrs. schoss $540 IHO Nosson & Chana Schoss Team Schwab Family
Dave Weintraub $162 Team Heyman Hockers
Eli & Rivky Zryl $1080 Team Heyman Hockers
Devora Mandelcorn $54 Team Heyman Hockers
Shmuel And Chaya Jacobs $300 Team Ephrati
Daniel Golosow $600 ברכה והצלחה Team R Shachne & Tzippy Sommers
Anonymous $108 Team Close
Aliza Rubenstein $54 Team Mozes
Eliezer Schwab $300 IHO my amazing parents Team Schwab Family
Dovid Gertz $2100 Team R Shachne & Tzippy Sommers
Yisroel Meir Berkowitz $54 Team Kollel Expansion
Beila Margolis $108 Yasher Ko'ach for all that you do! Keep Shteiging!! Team R Shachne & Tzippy Sommers
Esti Gornish $45 Team Heyman Hockers
Bailke Blumberg $108 In honor of the Heyman's Team Heyman Hockers
Baila Goldberg $30 Team Heyman Hockers
Mayer & Irit Friedman $162 Team Heyman Hockers
Anonymous $30 Team Heyman Hockers
Anonymous $54 Team Klein
Anonymous $30 Team Heyman Hockers
Yitzchok and Allie Zylberberg $108 In honor of the Heymans and Tanta Malky and Uncle Nosson Team Heyman Hockers
Moishi and Chani Hefter $150 Team Heyman Hockers
Chaim and Shani Baumgarten $540 Team R Shachne & Tzippy Sommers
Harvey Pacht $3000
Menachem And Sarah Lehrfield $15000 Team Heyman Hockers
Shimon Rubin $150 Team Heyman Hockers
Berish Kipper $54 Team Kipper
Akiva and Aviva Wilen $162 In honor of Aharon and Shani Wilen Team Wilen
BenTzion & Rachel Rupp $108 In honor of Tanta Malky & Uncle Nosson Team Heyman Hockers
Duvi Horowitz $300 Iho r'yitzi and chana Team Klein
Chaya M Schonberg $108 For all that you do! Team Heyman Hockers
Yehuda Chechik $162 Team R Aron Yehuda & Esti Schwab
Tziporah Goldstein $300 In honor of the Heyman family and the chesed they do for everyone around th Team Heyman Hockers
David and Chani Melamed $300 Team Melamed (Yitzi)
Naava Steinharter $195 IHO my Choshuve Uncle and Aunt Amush!!! Team R Aron Yehuda & Esti Schwab
Bentzi And Batya Epstein $540 In honor of the fantastic Rabbi & Rebbitzin Wenger family. Team Wenger
Esther Tova Heyman $300 IHO of mindy and my father Team Heyman Hockers
Dena Heyman $1080 #TYH Team Heyman Hockers
Chaya Rochel Heyman $1500 IHO of my amazing father and all the hard work he does! Team Heyman Hockers
anonymous $1500 IHO my father who works tirelessly for this amazing cause! Team Heyman Hockers
Raizy Heyman $1500 for Shimon to find his bashert aahhh Team Heyman Hockers
Brett Perry $1839 Team Heyman Hockers
Dave Pollack $75 Team Pollack
Jonathan Neuberger $300 GO SHIMON!!! Team Wenger
Dovid Scwab $300 IHO my chushuveh parents & the chushuveh kollel Team Schwab Family
Shragi Nussbaum $108 In honor of our my Chavrusa Team Pollack
Shloime Ephrathi $150 Hatzlacha! Team Ephrati
Daddy and Mommy $1500 IHO Chezky and Brocha Leah Wenger model kollel members Team Wenger
Tomer Palas $2400 Team Kipper
Neil And Vicki Olesky $15000 In honor of all the kollel families Team Heyman Hockers
Miriam Mozes $30 Team Mozes
Rachel Chill $81 Team Ephrati
Anonymous $300 Team Heyman Hockers
Moish & Sora Rochel Schuck $720 Team Heyman Hockers
Chaim Tzvi & Rochel Krausz $300 In honor of Josh Close and the amazing work that the Kollel does!!! Team Close
Anonymous $1200 IHO Uncle Aron and Aunt Esti Team R Aron Yehuda & Esti Schwab
Chaya Raizy $150 IHO Gan Wenger Team Wenger
Adam And Sophie Oliver $180 Team Finkelstein
Adam Oliver $540 In honor of our new son Avraham Chaim and his lifetime Team R Aron Yehuda & Esti Schwab
Swat $300 In honor of my most chashuve chaver and chavrusa! Team Pollack
Uncle Yosey & Tanta Sima $510 לז"נ שלמה ב"ר מ"י וסימא פריידא בת אליהו Team Heyman Hockers
Aaron Buchler $540 Team R Aron Yehuda & Esti Schwab
Rabbi Refoel and Rochie Levitt $54 In honor of Rabbi and Mrs. Sommers Team R Shachne & Tzippy Sommers
Dovid & Aviva Klein $540 In honor of an amazing team- R' Yitzchok and Chana Klein!!! Team Klein
Sarah and Binyamin Roscher $450 Team R Shachne & Tzippy Sommers
E & B Florans $54 Go Team Wilen! Team Wilen
Rabbi Menachem And Bracha Goldberger $108 L’ilui nishmas Mordechai Yosef ben Dovid and Chava Zeesil bas Dovid כ׳ו אדר Team Heyman Hockers
Victor Wilen $375 Wishing much Hatzlacha to Rabbi Wilen and all the Kollel members Team Wilen
Elchanan Gonsky $1080 Team Klein
Gila Heyman $300 In honor of Moshe & Yehudis Heyman. Shkoiach for all you do for the klal Team Heyman Hockers
Yisrael Klein $150 In Honor of Rabbi Yitzchok Klein! Team Klein
Bob Richman $1080 For the Yahrzeit of Yisroel ben Yaacov Katz Team R Shachne & Tzippy Sommers
Avraham and Miryam Esther Amster $54 Team Ephrati
Joyce and Avraham Litzman $540 Team R Shachne & Tzippy Sommers
Sara and Shalom Tzvi $54 IHO THE BEST ZAIDY AND BUBBY EVER!!!!!!! WE LOVE YOU LOADS!! Team R Shachne & Tzippy Sommers
Aaron and Tamar Brooks $54 Hatzlacha!! Team R Aron Yehuda & Esti Schwab
Rabbi Dovid Spetner - Cincinnati Kollel $150 IHO Rabbi Schwab Team R Aron Yehuda & Esti Schwab
Elaine Tuchman $75 Team Heyman Hockers
Bob Rubinson $54 Trudy rubinson and Denny niernberg in honor of Team Kipper
Over this past year, the Kollel has made great strides and continued growth.
They have successfully partnered with Congregation Zera Abraham to bring five new families to the West Denver.
In Southeast Denver, they are closing in on the construction of an expanded Torah Center.
To put this bustling picture of growth and vitality into words: We are TAKING IT HIGHER.
Crowdfunding Campaign to raise $613,000.
Every dollar raised will be tripled by generous matchers.
This is the Kollel's major fundraising event of the year. You can Take it Higher.
Every dollar donated is quadrupled by generous matchers.
$1=$3, $18=54, $100=$300, $500=$1500!